
What is a CNAB240

CNAB240 is a standard defined by FEBRABAN and implemented by Brazilian banks for the exchange of information between companies and banks. Based on the information necessary for the implementation of each type of service, the standard defines a set of records/fields that must compose the exchange file.

The standard covers the following types of services:

  • Payment via account credit (Pagamento através de crédito em conta, cheque, OP, DOC ou pagamento com autenticação)

  • Payment of bills of exchange (Pagamento de títulos de Cobrança)

  • Tax payments (Pagamento de Tributos)

  • Billing Securities (Títulos em Cobrança)

  • Electronic Payment Slip (Boleto de Pagamento Eletrônico)

  • Payer’s Claim (Alegação do Pagador)

  • Checking Account Statement for Bank Reconciliation (Extrato de Conta Corrente para Conciliação Bancária)

  • Direct debit (Débito em Conta Corrente)

  • Vendor (Vendor)

  • Custody of Checks (Custódia de Cheques)

  • Statement for Cash Management (Extrato para Gestão de Caixa)

  • Loan with Payroll Consignment (Empréstimo com Consignação em Folha de Pagamento)

  • Buy (Compror)

Aurorae only supports Payment via account credit.

CNAB versions

The versions of the file are identified through a code with the following composition: VV.R

  • VV: Version number

  • R: Release number

Aurorae only supports the version 10.7 of CNAB240.

File Structure

The exchange file is composed of a file header record, one or more service/product batches and a file trailer record.

File Header
        Batch Header
        Initial Batch Records
        Segment Detail Records
        Final Batch Records
        Batch Trailer
Filte Trailer

A single file can contain multiple batches of different Services. Each of the items described above represent one line of the file with the size of 240 bytes. Individuals fields for each line are aligned according to the type of the field:

  • Numeric Fields (Num) = Always on the right and padded with zeros on the left.

  • Alphanumeric Fields (Alpha) = Always on the left and filled with blanks on the right.

Payment via account credit

This service batch is composed of a batch header record, one or more detail records, and a batch trailer record, besides, the same batch can be used to send information or to receive information. The types of detail segments for this batch are:

    A (mandatory)
    B (mandatory)
    C (optional)

    A (mandatory)
    B (optional)
    C (optional)

Aurorae doesn’t support sending the detail segment C yet.


  • Aurorae only supports Payment via account credit

  • Aurorae only supports the version 10.7 of CNAB240

  • Aurorae doesn’t support sending the detail segment C